DFW Mid-Year Job Market Survey 2023
The Job Market Survey by Financial Additions has become an invaluable tool to companies across North Texas. Each quarter, we distribute surveys to thousands of accounting professionals, HR departments, and executives across DFW. This survey provides us with a deeper understanding of the trends in the current job market. We break down the feedback we receive so you can anticipate upcoming changes affecting your business.
Financial Additions specializes in finance, accounting, audit, and tax positions. We strive to pair excellent candidates with top-tier organizations so you can build the perfect team. While we are based in the DFW area, our clientele spans across the country with national organizations seeking to fill various accounting and financial roles.
Are you curious about the current DFW job climate? We would love to make our most recent survey available to you - please contact us for a copy!
Check out our job listings if you are looking for a job or contact us if you are a company looking to build your team.
Keep up with the latest and also connect with us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook!